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“I’ve had a variety of translators,” said one of our Bible institute professors. “My translators have always been very impressive people.”

Language gifts

When our professors teach online and when they travel for us in China, they almost always require a translator. Translating English, at the moment it is spoken, into Chinese is requires special language gifts. Translating theological terms and concepts into Chinese requires superb language gifts.

It also requires that our professors use terms that our translators are familiar with. And if they are not familiar with certain terms, the professor must explain them. 

Language concepts

“Sometimes I wonder if the translator gets it,” our professor said. “I have talked directly with the translator to make sure. I’ll ask, ‘Is this a situation in China? What happens in China that is like this?’ 

“Or I may say, ‘This is the situation in the United States. Does anything like this happen in China?’ That way I know that what my translator is saying to my students is the message I want them to come away with.”

What you can do: Thank God for the translators he is providing 316NOW. Ask that he helps them to accurately convey the Scripture truths we present in our courses.