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Thanksgiving Gratitude

Thanksgiving Gratitude

Our national day of Thanksgiving arrives on Thursday.

Among the many blessings 316NOW is thanking God for are the thousands of Christians who have opened their hearts to our ministry.  These brothers and sisters– saints like you and others who are reading this post – pray for our ministry, financially support our ministry, and encourage us to continue our ministry.

Thank God for you

Here’s an example. We received the following email two days ago.

Thanks so much for the additional info from your organization.  How wonderful to hear about the ongoing outreach, but especially the MATURING of all the efforts of previous years.  God is growing the seeds that were planted a hundred years ago and the seeds that have been planted the last ten years.  We remember those across the sea and those at home who are always in our prayers.  

You are a blessing to us

As you read this post, know that we at 316NOW are thanking God for you, especially this week. For the blessing that you are to 316NOW– and through 316NOW the blessing you are to saints throughout China– we offer our gratitude to God.  For the Savior who unites us in faith and is preparing a place for us with him in heaven, we join you in shouting his praises.

Let us come before him with thanksgiving and extol him with music and song (Psalm 95:2).

Happy Thanksgiving Day!