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15 Days of Prayer takes place between February 10 and 24, 2024.

15 Days of Prayer

The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective (James 5:16).

316NOW invites you to join us and thousands of other fellow Christians in powerful and effective prayer for the gospel’s blessings to flow over all 1.4 billion souls in China.  Officially only 5% are believers.

An ideal time for prayer

China’s New Year and Spring Festival celebrations are an ideal time for Christians to focus their prayers on that country. 

These are the most important of China’s national holidays.  The celebrations are marked with parties, with traveling, and with family gatherings.  Gift-giving and commitments to new beginnings are essential.  In 2024 these festivals take place between February 10 and 24 (15 days).

Pray for the gospel's spread in China

This is the time for us to pray for the spiritual life of multiple millions in China.  More believers there will set off eternal celebrations in heaven and cause new spiritual beginnings to happen across that nation. That’s the purpose of the 15 Days of Prayer effort. 

Use the Chinese New Year and Spring Festival to pray for the Christians in China and for the Spirit to reach hundreds of millions more souls there. Our prayers have our Father’s promise that he will hear and act on them. 

316NOW's 15 Days of Prayer program will make an eternal difference for millions of souls.  

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