News Archives October 2023


NOTE: The news reports below are not in chronological order. There is often a time lag in their reaching the US and in gaining our attention. These reports reflect the opinions of a variety of news sources.


China security minister in Myanmar as fighting rages near border / October 31, 2023

The “Three Brotherhood Alliance,” an association of three pro-democracy ethnic groups on Myanmar’s border with China, has been fighting against the country’s military leadership over resources and autonomy.  While China supports some ethnic Chinese groups in Myanmar, it denied offering any support to the Alliance (Al Jazeera).

China, Russia Take Aim at US at Chinese Military Forum / October 30, 2023

Chinese and Russian military officials made direct and veiled accusations against the US and the West at the Xiangshan security forum this week, blaming the West for stoking potentially greater conflict in Ukraine and the Indo-Pacific. A US delegation was present, but evidently did not address the forum or offer any public rebuttal (VOA).

Agreement reached for Biden-Xi talks, but details still being worked out / October 27, 2023

In the midst of global and bilateral political tensions, Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi met with US officials Antony Blinken, Jake Sullivan, and President Biden, as well, in Washington D.C. on Friday to discuss the relationship between the two countries and to confirm that President Biden and President Xi will meet at the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperations Summit in San Francisco in mid-November (AP News).

Wang Yi calls for 'five musts' in China-U.S. relations / October 28, 2023

The Chinese Foreign Minister listed “five musts” for diplomacy between the two nations to succeed as he met with Antony Blinken and Jake Sullivan last week, but the mandates were basically to keep communication open, respectful and outcome oriented.  Blinken repeated the same ideals in diplomatic fashion.  Regarding the Israeli-Hamas conflict, both expressed hope for a two-state solution (CGTN).

China’s foreign minister: road to Xi-Biden summit will not be smooth / October 28, 2023

Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi expressed concern that the process to secure a bilateral meeting between President Biden and President Xi in November would not be an easy one to accomplish. He expects the US to show “sufficient sincerity” that it wants the meeting to occur (CNBC). 

Why does Zelenskyy accept China’s ‘neutrality’? / October 31, 2023

Ukrainian President Zelensky has often spoken about the West’s support, or lack thereof, for Ukraine in its war with Russia, but he has yet to speak publicly about China’s “neutral” stance regarding the conflict. One reason may be that China became Ukraine’s “first key trade partner” in 2019, with grain exports benefiting China (The China Project).

Biden received $40K in 'laundered China money' from brother in 2017 / November 1, 2023

Rep. James Comer has revealed that President Biden received $40,000 from his brother James Biden that can be traced to the Chinese energy company CEFC back in 2017.  All in all, Comer says the Biden family and their partners raked in more than $24 million between 2014-19 by “selling Joe Biden as ‘the brand” around the world” (Fox News).

Not all in China’s military view Taiwan, the West as primary threat / October 20, 2023

While the CCP and President Xi mandate that the PLA align with CCP thought regarding a victory in a potential war to take back Taiwan, some members of the PLA doubt that China would be successful in a battle with the West.  Some also resent that the PLA serves the CCP, not the Chinese nation (Al Jazeera).

As China strengthens ties with Russia, the Israel-Hamas war widens gap with the U.S. / October 21, 2023

China and Russia are seeking to gain a larger role in Middle Eastern politics, but their solution to the Israeli-Hamas crisis is for an independent Palestinian state, which the US does not fully support.  The conflict threatens to further expand the political rift between East and West (NBC News).

China sends envoy to the Middle East, eager to play larger role/ October 20, 2023

In an effort to play a larger role in the Middle Eastern conflict between Israel and Hamas, China sent its Middle Eastern envoy, Zhai Jun, to the region to push for a ceasefire and ultimately, a two-state solution to the crisis.  China appears to have the support of other nations in the region to mediate a solution ( ABC News).

Shifting Stance, China Now Says Israel Has "Right To Self-Defense" / October 24, 2023

After China called for a ceasefire and a two-state solution to the Israeli-Hamas conflict, without condemning Hamas for its attack on Israel, China appeared to alter its stance by stating that Israel has the right to defend itself.  This comes as Wang Yi visits the US for high-level talks with the Biden Administration (NDTV).

China's youngest-ever crew of astronauts heads to space station / October 26, 2023

Three “taikonauts” embarked on a space flight on Thursday to the Chinese space station called “The Celestial Palace.”  Two of the taikonauts are just 33 and 35 years old, the youngest Chinese ever to fly into space.  China is barred from participating in the International Space Station, so they built their own, and now are inviting qualified, fluent Chinese foreigners to apply (Reuters).

Standard Chartered shares slide 12% as China losses hit earnings / October 26, 2023

UK bank Standard Chartered’s shares sank 17% on Thursday before recovering to close down 12%. Its third-quarter revenue was cut by more than half compared to last year’s third-quarter benchmark due to the bank slashing the value of its investment in China Bohai Bank by $697 million (CNBC).

China says US ‘exaggerates’ its military threat in new report / October 25, 2023

China’s Defense Minister Wu Qian criticized a report from the Pentagon on China’s growing military strength and nuclear arsenal, claiming that the US is confused and hypocritical.  Qian claimed that China is a “non-existent Chinese military threat.”  And yet, China has aggressively challenged US jets and South Asian naval ships in the South China Sea and the Taiwan Strait (Al Jazeera).

US vows it will defend Philippines after incidents in South China Sea / October 23, 2023

On Sunday, while attempting to deliver food and supplies to a Filipino outpost in the Second Thomas Shoal, two Filipino ships were struck and damaged by Chinese ships as the Chinese ships tried to block them from reaching the Sierra Madre, a capsized ship turned military outpost for the Philippines.  The US stated it would defend the Philippines, honoring a 1951 treaty with the country (AP News).

China fires defense minister not seen in public for two months / October 24, 2023

President Xi has officially removed Chinese Defense Minister Li Shangfu and Foreign Minister Qin Gang from their positions, as well as removing them as state councilors.  Li was last seen in August and Qin in July.  No explanation for the reason for their removal was given (Al Jazeera).

China crackdown on cyber scams in SE Asia nets 1000’s, leaves networks intact / October 23, 2023

Often following developments from China’s Belt and Road Initiative, criminal syndicates have set up cyber scam operations, luring Chinese citizens into deceptive online and phone scams offering fake investment schemes.  China is attempting to resolve the problem by recovering the low-level people caught in the scheme, but has often left the elite operators to continue their operations (AP News).

 Foxconn: Taiwan-based iPhone maker investigated by China / October 23, 2023

Chinese tax officials are investigating iPhone maker Foxconn at two of its production sites in China.   Foxconn’s founder, Terry Gou, is a presidential candidate for Taiwan’s election coming in January.  The investigation may be routine, or China’s way of manipulating the election, or it is retribution against the US for its sanctions against China (BBC).

China Exploits Israel-Hamas Conflict to Diminish US Global Influence / October 13, 2023

As China urges for calm, a ceasefire, and negotiations between Hamas and Israel, experts warn that China’s actions reveal a preference for a Palestinian state, and an effort to overshadow the US’ involvement in the region, but it can’t take an official stand without jeopardizing its goals (VOA).

Israeli embassy worker attacked in China amid call for attack on Jews / October 13, 2023

An Israeli embassy worker was stabbed multiple times within two kilometers of the Israeli embassy in China on Friday.  No motive has been given, nor has any information on the attacker been released, but the call for the “Day of Rage” against Israelis may likely play a part.  The worker is in stable condition in a hospital (Mint).

China says Israel has gone too far / October 15, 2023

Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi stated last Saturday that Israel has gone too far in its retaliation against Hamas, claiming it should stop at self-defense and avoid an aggressive attack.  China is attempting to increase its involvement in Middle Eastern affairs (Politico).

China's Foreign Minister calls US Sec. of State on crisis in Israel and Gaza / October 14, 2023

In a phone call on Saturday, China's Foreign Minister Wang Yi spoke with US Secretary of State Antony Blinkin, warning that the Hamas-Israel conflict could get out of control.  Wang stated that China stands against any harm done to civilians and actions that violate international law (Reuters).

Blinken asks China to use 'influence' for Middle East calm / October 14, 2023

In his 1-hour phone call with Wang Yi, US Secretary Blinkin encouraged China to use its influence with Iran to restore calm in the region.  Yi called for a two-state solution and an end to hostilities, but China has yet to condemn Hamas for its atrocities against Israel (France 24). 

China gives Ehang approval for fully autonomous, passenger air taxis / October 13, 2023

China has given the green light to the Ehang manufacturer to operate driverless airborne drone taxis capable of transporting two people, the first time such a certificate has been awarded.  The company plans to fill orders outside of China next year and expects such drone taxis to be commonplace in many cities in five years (CNBC).

China's economic deal with Russia is so lopsided that Putin needs US help / October 13, 2023

Several “think tank” advisors state that Russia’s “no-limits” partnership with China may be doing so much harm to its own economy, only help from the West could restore some balance, but Putin would never admit it.  China is not investing in Russia as much as it is investing in other Asian nations (Insider).

Putin sees Belt and Road Initiative as China's desire to cooperate / October 14, 2023

Russian President Vladimir Putin stated that he believes China’s Belt and Road Initiative is a balanced economic strategy that favors both China and those countries that participate in it and only provides opportunities for its members.  The third BRI forum was planned for this week (Reuters).

Russia’s Vladimir Putin visits ‘dear friend’ Xi Jinping in China / October 17, 2023

President Vladimir Putin traveled outside of Russia for the first time this month to visit a country outside of the former Soviet bloc since an arrest warrant was issued against him by the International Criminal Court, and as China celebrates the 10th anniversary of the Belt and Road Initiative at its forum in Beijing (Al Jazeera).

Putin filmed in China accompanied by officers with Russian nuclear briefcase /  October 18, 2023

While it is rare that Russian President Vladimir Putin is filmed in the presence of the two suitcases used to arm Russia’s nuclear arsenal in case of a threat, the Russian president was filmed twice with naval officers carrying the parcels close to Putin while he was in China for the BRI forum (Reuters).

Exclusive: Taliban to join China's Belt and Road forum, elevating ties / October 14, 2023

Representatives of Afghanistan’s Taliban will attend China’s Belt and Road Initiative this week, seeking to enroll the country in the BRI, even though no country in the world yet has recognized the Taliban as Afghanistan’s official government.  The BRI would construct a road already being built in Pakistan to extend through Afghanistan, among other ventures to tap Afghanistan’s potentially rich mineral resources (Reuters).

China’s Trade Grows in SE Asia Under BRI, as Do Concerns / October 15, 2023

While China’s BRI in Southeast Asia has increased trade, in some areas by nearly double since the BRI began 10 years ago, other concerns tarnish the celebratory image of the program.  Few benefits and soaring loans plague poorer countries who participate in the initiative; Chinese crime syndicates eventually follow infrastructure, and China’s quest for raw materials has damaged the environment (VOA).

China’s Xi warns West against economic ‘decoupling’ / October 18, 2023

President Xi opened his 10th-anniversary BRI forum on Wednesday, declaring that the initiative is “on the right side of history,” calling it an asset rather than a threat.  The claim was made in response to the West’s efforts to “de-couple” from economic dependency on China and a 25-year low in foreign investment earlier this year (Al Jazeera).

Belt and Road Initiative: Is China's trillion-dollar gamble worth it? / October 17, 2023

China’s Belt and Road Initiative is connecting over 100 countries to China through infrastructure projects and trade.  But, many low to middle-income countries are struggling to manage the debt and may not be realizing the benefits promised by China.  Workers’ rights violations, environmental damage, corruption and the strong arm of political influence in China’s favor on the world stage also plague participants (BBC).

U.S. curbs export of more AI chips, including Nvidia H800, to China / October 17, 2023

The US is set to further tighten the restrictions on microchips and component technologies in sales to China in an effort to prevent China from using them in the production of military equipment.  Even so, the sanctions still restrict a small fraction of chip and semiconductor sales that go to China (CNBC).

China, US race to unleash killer AI robot soldiers for military supremacy / October 17, 2023

AI is the new arms race between the US and China.  The West’s support for Ukraine included highly technical devices that caught Russia by surprise. Drones and the recently developed autonomous submarine by the US and Australia reveal that the future is fast becoming the present.  With the potential killing power that AI could wield, there may be no winners in this race (Fox News).

US accuses China of ‘dangerous’ air force maneuvers against military planes / October 17, 2023

Since the fall of 2021, the US has recorded more than 180 incidents where Chinese aircraft have dangerously intercepted US aircraft in international airspace, and that number increases to over 300 when US allies’ aircraft are included.  China claims it followed all laws and regulations to defend its sovereignty.  The fear is that eventually, one of these intercepts will cause casualties (The Guardian).

China’s 3rd quarter growth exceeds forecast / October 17, 2023

September brought some good news regarding China’s economy as economic growth in the 3rd quarter reached 4.9% over the same period in 2022, exceeding the predicted 4.6% GDP for that quarter.  Other markers posted positive gains.  The property sector, however, continues to struggle and consumer prices were flat in September (CNBC).

Nebraska governor faces backlash after dismissing investigative report / October 19, 2023

Nebraska Gov. Jim Pillen dismissed a Chinese national reporter for a Nebraskan non-profit newspaper when she reported that his hog farms are producing excessive amounts of nitrates.  Pillen’s daughter, the CEO of his company, commented on the company’s environmental program.  Rather than addressing the nitrate question, Pillen stated that the author was from communist China, “and that’s all you need to know” (CNN).

China to double size of space station, touts alternative to NASA-led ISS / October 5, 2023

China’s space station, Tiangong, or Celestial Palace, has been in operation since 2022 with three modules.  China plans to double the station to six modules in the next few years.  Meanwhile, the US-led International Space Station will be decommissioned due to age in the next 10 years (Reuters).

Evergrande could become a wrecking ball for China’s economy / October 6, 2023

The arrest and detention of Evergrande chairman and founder, Hui Ka Yan, spells more trouble for China’s real estate sector and the economy as a whole.  Other leading representatives of the company were also detained.  Overinvestment by the company and increased regulations by the government in 2020 helped cause the current crisis (The Guardian).

China touts Belt & Road lending as alternative for international development / October 10, 2023

As China marks the 10-year anniversary of its Belt and Road Initiative, it is touting its successes in helping developing nations enter the lucrative global market with Chinese companies constructing and Chinese banks funding railroads, powerplants and ports.  But many of these countries are now facing unsustainable debt (AP News).

China Expels Former Bank of China Chairman From Communist Party / October 7, 2023

Liu Liange, the former chairman of the Bank of China, was ousted from the Communist Party after being accused of taking bribes and corruption.  Liu had resigned from his chairmanship last March.  Fighting corruption is a hallmark of President Xi’s leadership, but replacing ousted leaders with loyalists is also a characteristic of Xi’s policies (VOA).

Why has China released detained Australian journalist Cheng Lei? / October 11, 2023

Chinese-born Australian journalist Cheng Lei was released from custody in China after three years of incarceration for “endangering national security” against China.  It appears her incarceration was more of a political ploy than a matter of law and order.  Her release may be China’s way of improving relations with Australia and wooing Australia from Western relationships (Australian Broadcasting Company).

China’s rich are secretly moving cash overseas amid uncertain economy / October 9, 2023

Uncertainty about the health of the Chinese economy is convincing many wealthy Chinese citizens to move their wealth to overseas banks via underground banking systems called “hawala,” which are often tied to criminal organizations.  Yet, the demand remains high. One expert said as much as $150 billion may be moved out of China this year (Insider).

US Warns China Cost for Blockading Taiwan to Be 'Very High' / October 5, 2023

Ely Ratner, a Defense Department representative, told an audience in Washington D.C. last week that an attempted Chinese blockade of Taiwan would trigger a global economic crisis and turn much of the world against Beijing and in favor of Taipei.  A blockade might force China to consider attacking even foreign commercial ships (VOA).

New strategic rare metal ore unearthed in Inner Mongolia / October 8, 2023

Niobium, a rare metal that is prized in metal manufacturing and battery production, was found in abundance in a mine in inner Mongolia, near the city of Baotou.  Batteries made with Niobium could last up to 30 years, charge in only 10 minutes, and are safer to use.  The discovery could make China self-sufficient in Nobium production (SCMP).  

China calls for ‘calm and restraint’ as Israel declares war after Hamas raid / October 8, 2023

In response to the conflict between Hamas and Israel that began on Saturday, China called for “calm and restraint” between the two parties and their supporters.  While China has not taken sides in Middle Eastern conflicts, it called for a two-state solution after Saturday’s incident and generally leans pro-Palestinian (SCMP).

US Senators Make First Congressional Visit to China Since 2019 / October 7, 2023

US Senators, three Democrats and three Republicans, traveled to China last weekend to meet with their counterparts in an attempt to improve relations between the two countries and help pave a path for a meeting between Xi and Biden in November.  If the meetings go well, the Senators may meet with President Xi (SCMP).

Schumer meets Xi, welcomes stronger Chinese statement on Hamas attack / October 9, 2023

After China’s neutral statement regarding the Hamas-Israel conflict, Senator Schumer urged China to make a more critical statement about Hamas’ attack on Israel.  A stronger statement was made later on Monday by China.  Schumer also met with President Xi for more than an hour (AP News).

This looks like the beginning of World War III, China expert warns / October 9, 2023

Gordon Chang speaks on Fox News about China’s support of Iran and its proxy involvement in the Hamas attacks on Israel.  China’s aggression toward Taiwan shows that it is preparing for war, and the US is in a very weak position to respond.  A global conflict may be on the horizon (YouTube/Fox News).

Tesla's China-made EV sales fall 10.9% year-on-year in September / October 9, 2023

US automaker Tesla sold fewer China-made electric vehicles in September, down almost 11% from September 2022, while its Chinese rival automakers reported a growth in sales of almost 43% over the same period (Reuters).

 Driver crashes car into Chinese consulate in San Francisco / October 10, 2023

A man in his mid-thirties who crashed a car into the Chinese Consulate in San Francisco was shot by police and died later in a hospital on Monday.  It is unclear what his motivation was for the incident.  The US and China are considering a meeting between President Biden and President Xi in San Francisco in November (SCMP).

Taiwan shivers over Ukraine funding freeze / October 5, 2023

The US Congress’s last-minute budget deal last weekend did not include additional funds for Ukraine, sending chills in Taiwan that the US might not come to its aid should China make good on its threat to take the island for itself.  China is using the development to convince the Taiwan people that the US can’t be trusted (Politico).

Taiwan says China has 'very diverse' ways of interfering in election / October 3, 2023

Taiwan National Security Bureau Director-General Tsai Ming-yen reported that China will likely use military threats, economic coercion, fake news and the manipulation of opinion polls to sway Taiwan’s presidential election in January.  The more popular candidate, Vice President William Lai, is a pro-independent candidate (Reuters).

How China is fighting in the grey zone against Taiwan / October 4, 2023

China is operating it’s military exercise around Taiwan in a “grey zone,” which is an aggressive posture of war games without declaring war.  The strategy allows China to refine its own methods, test Taiwan’s response and over time, weary Taiwan socially and politically, and deplete its resources (BBC News).

'Trump-like' pres. candidate in Taiwan promises '50 years of peace' with China / October 2, 2023

Terry Gou, the Taiwanese billionaire founder of Foxconn, has entered Taiwan’s presidential race as a latecomer, declaring his candidacy in August.  Like Donald Trump, Gou is a billionaire, makes bold proposals, has some potentially unrealistic ideas, and presents himself as a conservative and a populist (Fox News).

Philippine boats breach Chinese coast guard blockade in South China Sea / October 5, 2023

On Wednesday two Philippine supply ships and two coastguard ships broke through a Chinese blockade attempting to keep supplies from a Philippine station aboard a marooned warship on the Second Thomas Shoal. Both countries blamed one another for breaking maritime laws, adding more tension in an already politically controversial region (Fox News).

China submarine mishap: 55 feared dead; 'catastrophic failure' in oxygen system / October 4, 2023

A Chinese submarine is feared to be lost in the Yellow Sea as reports indicate the submarine hit a chain and anchor mechanism set by China itself to trap “enemy” vessels. It is feared that all 55 sailors onboard are dead as the oxygen system failed.  The incident occurred in September, but China denies the accident (YouTube/WION).

Ouster of McCarthy shows US division, 'demons dancing in riotous revelry' / October 4, 2023

The ouster of US House Speaker Kevin McCarthy is a sign by some Chinese academics that US politics is in chaos and will continue to be so until a philosophy of compromise and consensus for the good of the people and the country holds sway between the two parties (The Global Times).

US takes aim at China companies, executives over fentanyl supply chain / October 4, 2023

The US has brought charges and sanctions against dozens of Chinese companies accused of advertising, manufacturing, and distributing the chemicals used in making fentanyl, which is killing 300 Americans a day. Twelve company executives were also indicted (Al Jazeera).

Asian Games: China censors 'Tiananmen' image of athletes hugging / October 2, 2023

A hug between two Chinese athletes at the Asian Games became controversial when their running numbers formed the number “64” as they embraced, inadvertently suggesting it was a reference to June 4th, the date for the Tiananmen Massacre that took place in 1989.  Few young Chinese know much about the massacre because mention of it is regularly scrubbed from social media (Reuters).

Fears China ‘closing in on itself’ amid crackdowns, rising nationalism / October 3, 2023

As President Xi and the CCP drive the Chinese population to a more strict, communist, and nationalist ideology, the agenda is also cutting off China from the world, spooking foreign business investors and raising the concerns of many of its own citizens.  China’s recent anti-espionage laws are almost turning citizens against one another (Al Jazeera). 

Evergrande shares soar as trading in crisis-hit China firm resumes / October 3, 2023

Shares in the Chinese property developer Evergrande soared more than 40% in trading and then settled at 28% at closing earlier this week.  Trading was suspended last week Thursday when it was revealed the company’s billionaire chairman and founder, Hui Ka Yan, was being investigated for “illegal crimes” (The Guardian).

Pandas could be gone from America’s zoos by the end of next year / October 3, 2023

A 50-year agreement begun by President Nixon and China is coming to an apparent end as China is not renewing agreements with zoos worldwide to loan Panda Bears for 10-year leases.  As the bears get old, they are returned to China, as are any offspring once they reach mating age.  Tensions with the West appear to be causing China to take its Pandas back (AP News).

Golden Week: Chinese seek cheap wanderlust in economic gloom / October 2, 2023

As China celebrates an 8-day national holiday, many Chinese travelers are getting out to tour the country, but also are watching their budgets closely.  Some are even resorting to a few day trips rather than an extended vacation.  Air and rail travel reservations have increased nicely due to the holiday, but still show signs of a sluggish economy (BBC News).