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Thank you for your prayers

Thank you for your prayers

A student in our online Bible institute thanks everyone involved in 316NOW for their prayers for him and his new ministry.

A year ago this pastor left his position at a government registered church.  Then he began his own group.  The positive part of that decision was he would be free to teach God’s Word as he had come to understand it.  The negative part of that decision was that he would face a great deal of pressure.  Some of the pressure would come from starting a church that was not sanctioned by the Chinese government.  Even more pressure would come from his former social network in his Christian community (you are probably aware that social harmony is extremely important in the Chinese culture).   

This Christian pastor has spent the last year weathering criticism for his actions.  It was a difficult time for him and his group.  

But now, “with God’s help,” this shepherd says, the rumors and accusations have been cleared up.  His small church is able to move forward in its ministry.  

Our pastor friend says, “Thank you for your prayers.  Please continue to pray for us.”