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MINISTRY// A suggestion

MINISTRY// A suggestion

Brother Jianyu is almost blind. But he has refused to allow that challenge to slow his service to the Savior.

That includes continuing study of the Word.

A Bible institute student

Brother Jianyu attended one of 316NOW’s workshops during a teaching trip to China. He used a Braille Bible and the help of another student to master the material our faculty member presented.

This church leader became acquainted with 316NOW through our online Bible institute. But this was the first time he attended one of our teaching sessions in China.

“I am excited to meet the pastor from the United States face to face,” he said. “I’ve received a close touch from the pastor. His warm encouragement has brought me great hope.”

His suggestion for improvement

Jianyu was so taken with our teaching visit to his city that he suggested that whenever we visit in his area we not only teach. “I’d like to set up a relaxing and casual conversation session for each trip,” he said. “It may help the American pastors to know more about our personal faith stories and ministerial challenges. It will help them pray with deeper understanding. And it will help us do the same.”

316NOW agrees with Jianyu’s suggestion. Our 316NOW faculty, both online and in person, do work at learning to know our students on a personal basis. We want these church leaders not only to be our students but to be our friends.  Often challenges--like not understanding each other’s language, the time involved, and our wanting to avoid calling attention to our presence while we are in China-- complicates that. Nonetheless our goal is also to develop Jesus-centered relationships.

Brother Jianyu, we want to spend more time, personal time, with you.  And we look forward to doing so regularly.