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MINISTRY// From a mustard seed

MINISTRY// From a mustard seed

In one large metropolitan area of China 316NOW presently has 36 students from six churches. Twenty-two of those students are from one congregation.

A small mustard seed

Six years ago 316NOW had one student in that area. He was the pastor of a small rural church. But Pastor Gang found that the instruction he received from 316NOW’s online Bible institute brought him more assurance and hope than he ever imagined possible. He particularly rejoiced in learning how the gospel, not the law, motivates Christians to dedicate themselves to holy living.

The Biblical theology he learned from 316NOW transformed his relationship with God, his family, and his congregation.

A growing tree

Gang began inviting pastors in his area to come to our online classes. He invited our faculty members to travel to his city to teach. This invitations have produced fruit. Now there are three dozen church leaders from a half dozen congregations who attend our classes online and, when we visit there, in person.

Jesus taught that from the smallest of mustard seeds large trees grow. 316NOW sees its mission as sowing the seeds of God’s grace and then praying for God’s rich harvest. How we rejoice over the ways the Spirit is producing that harvest.