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MINISTRY// Eager students

MINISTRY// Eager students

We wrote last week about an area in China where we now have 36 church leaders as students. They come from six churches. Twenty-two of those leaders come from one church.

Eager to learn and share

Our key contact with the Christians in this area says about these leaders, “They are eager to learn God’s Word and to share sweet gospel with those who have never heard it. According to their urgent request, at our last visit there, Pastor Titus, our faculty member, provided an intensive teaching on how to prepare a sermon based on carefully studied words in a sermon text.”

Taught to proclaim the gospel

Pastor Titus said, “I stress learning how to identify preaching points and how to develop sermon outlines with attractive themes and parts that are logically connected to the theme. Of course, I also emphasize how essential it is that sermons have a proper balance between the law and the gospel – with the emphasis on the gospel.”

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