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MINISTRY//316NOW's focus on families

MINISTRY//316NOW's focus on families

Our blog has pointed out how families in China are deteriorating.

A prediction

An article in ChinaSource.org from 2008 points out some of the issues. Eleven years later, these issues are even more pronounced.

With the degradation of the traditional family structures and functions, the values they represented have also decayed. There are many victims in this course of social evolution with the vulnerable elderly and the self-sacrificing women paying the highest price. As grave as this crisis that Chinese families are facing is, what is even more mortifying is the fact that most Chinese are still blinded by the glitter of economic gain, oblivious to the impending disaster. This is the reason why resources and education on marriage and family are vitally needed in China today. (See the full article here.)

An experiment

316NOW is experimenting with a Bible-based, family ministry program that will help families in China discover how they might receive the blessings God has designed for them. Once unleashed, the power of God's grace is transforming parents and children. A mother who was introduced to our materials told us:

It’s hard to express how much I, a heart-broken mother, thank God for your thoughtful, loving ministry. I have been seeking the way to draw my daughter to God day by day and year by year. Your course answered my prayers. I am so thankful that my daughter is willingly to study your Loving Language Course with our teachers. I was overjoyed when I talked to her about this study opportunity and she agreed to try it.

What you can do: China is aggressively erecting barriers to Christianity. But only the message of God's love in Jesus will bring Chinese families and their nation to full health. Ask that the promises of John 3:16 come to more in China, not only so their family life improves but so they become part of our eternal family.