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MINISTRY//Bible study excitement

MINISTRY//Bible study excitement

In our Bible institute courses, our students do not only learn solid Bible teaching. They share their experiences as Christians – both the good and the bad. And they support each other in their walk with Jesus. One of our Bible institute professors has shared this example.

Our online class usually begins promptly at 8:00a (9:00p in China). But not today.

At the time we should have begun, one of the students was speaking in an animated way to my translator. This went on for several minutes while the rest of us waited patiently. Since I can’t speak Mandarin, I was the only one who didn’t understand what the student was excited about.

When their conversation was over, the translator said to me, "Oh, Pastor! Guang was telling me about the wonderful time she had last Saturday. A group of Christians, including some new believers, had gotten together for Bible study and prayer and, of course, for food.  It was so uplifting for them." 

How often does it happens in our lives that we are so excited about gathering with Christian friends that we can’t wait to tell others about it. How often do we American Christians gather together with believing friends not only for food and fellowship but for Bible study.  Guang gives us reason not only to rejoice with her group, but to learn from their example.

What you can do: Invite some Christian friends, including new believers, over to your home for food, fellowship, and time together in God’s Word.