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DEVOTION / Why name him "Jesus"?

DEVOTION / Why name him "Jesus"?

Parents, how much time did you spend choosing a name for your children? 

The choice of a child’s name

If you are similar to my wife and me, you took a lot of time. Over countless conversations. Over many months. 

My wife and I started with a long list of possible names. We discussed the meaning of those names. Since we have three daughters, we insisted their names needed to exude beauty as well as strength. We considered the rhyme and meter of the names when spoken. We carefully paired first names with middle names. 

The choice of a name for Mary’s son

Mary and Joseph didn't have to consider any of that when naming their son. 

Gabriel commanded Joseph, "You are to give him the name Jesus" (Matthew 1:21). When he spoke to Mary, the angel was equally insistent, "You are to name him Jesus" (Luke 1:31). 

But why insist on the name Jesus?  Gabriel explained to Joseph, "You are to give him the name Jesus, because he will save his people from their sins.” 

The choice contains a message

The Hebrew roots of the name "Jesus" mean, "The LORD saves."  The LORD. The Hebrew word is Yahweh, the name of God that emphasizes that he is compassionate and gracious (Exodus 34:6 ).  The LORD saves. No one else is positioned to rescue humans from the eternal mess we have created for ourselves. No one else is able to open heaven to us. "The LORD saves." Because Jesus is the LORD, Jesus saves. 

"Jesus," then, is a testimony to who our Savior is, to what he came to do, and to our level of confidence that he not only saved us from the divine anger we deserve but from the evil that stalks us this side of heaven. 

"Jesus." There is no better name for our Savior.