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DEVOTION / A fizzled Festival of Lights

DEVOTION / A fizzled Festival of Lights

Yep, the advertising finally got us. For years our neighboring city had been hyping its Festival of Lights as a way to get into "the Christmas spirit." 

The lights of Christmas?

I did see lights—the red taillights of hundreds of cars lined up to take in this Christmas marvel.  The line was at least a mile long - probably closer to two. That was before we got to the pay booth to plunk down our entrance fee. 

There were millions of lights. And a giant LED Christmas tree programmed to dance before our very eyes. If you like that kind of thing, it was impressive. 

Christmas all around?

Once we were past the pay booth, there were lighted displays on every side.

  • Santas (on sleighs, snowmobiles, motorcycles, and airplanes)

  • Happy elves of all shapes & sizes

  • Animals: bears, reindeer, foxes

  • Seussical characters, especially the Grinch and Cindy Lou Who

  • A penguin village

  • Polar bears and igloos

  • Presents, stars, angels, flowers, nutcrackers

  • A menorah

Where is Jesus?

As the parade of cars inched forward, I couldn't help but flash back to Bunyan's Pilgrim's Progress. I felt like the character Christian seeking truth in Vanity Fair. Or maybe like Charlie Brown in the classic Schulz cartoon. When will we get to see what Christmas is all about? 

We live in a dark world—with millions grasping for random lights of hope. Whether in China or our own country or neighborhood, countless folks are trying to feel good about Christmas without knowing what they have to celebrate—a Savior from the dark world of sin.  A Savior who is the Light of the world. 

Finally, after our trek through the confusing array of Christmas "symbols," our Festival of Lights journey came upon 3-4 nativity scenes that included Baby Jesus. They appeared right before we arrived at Santa's Lodge. We didn't stop to share our wish list with him.

The real reason for Christmas

But this Charlie Brown is happy that Linus is willing to share the real reason for Christmas: For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior which is Christ the Lord! Share that with your neighbors and friends this Christmas.


Lord Jesus, you are the one true Light of the World! Enlighten us and help us shine as lights in the darkness reflecting you.