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MINISTRY / Another house church

MINISTRY / Another house church

Another of our Bible institute students is gathering members for their own house church.

Protection from Prosperity Theology

Some time ago, he thought he had found a suitable church home in an independent congregation in his city. Although the church is not registered with the government (and, therefore, illegal), it attracts hundreds of Christians. It's message is the magnet. Unfortunately, it's message is not the gospel message.

The church teaches that God's will for his people is that they enjoy financial blessing and physical well-being. To obtain those blessings, Christians need a strong faith, positive speech, and generosity to their church. In the United States, these teaching are called Prosperity Theology.

The antidote to Prosperity Theology

Through our Bible institute, this student has realized that Prosperity Theology violates sound Bible teaching in at least two ways. It makes God's blessing dependent on our good works. It destroys grace by canceling the good news of forgiveness through Jesus alone.

So our student is doing what 316NOW desires for everyone in our student body. He is starting his own house church where God's grace in Jesus reigns and God's people live for him motivated by appreciation for that grace.

316NOW is standing with students like these. Not only are we offering them Bible institute classes; we provide him with one-on-one mentoring and his fledgling church with consulting.