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DEVOTION - Seeking green pastures

DEVOTION - Seeking green pastures

Snowed under

Where I live in northern Wisconsin, we are just recovering from a giant dump of snow. Eighteen inches of wet heavy stuff covered everything. The bone-chilling cold that followed caused much of that wet, white snow to solidify into ice.

Thankfully now, temperatures in the 30's have led to a slow melting, and we can finally see some patches of green again. That’s kindling our hope for spring to be coming early.

Green pastures

Spying those green patches among the snow drifts reminds me of Psalm 23’s promise of green pastures, along with the hope and comfort they offer.

Those promised green pastures have led me to paraphrase the words of this treasured psalm into a prayer.

Good Shepherd, walk with me today and every day.

Grant me rest and new strength.

Welcome me as your guest.

I look forward to the wonderful banquet ahead.

May your goodness and unfailing kindness bless us daily.

The road ahead leads home to be with You forever.

Thank you, dear Shepherd. Amen.

In Wisconsin, we desperately look forward to those warmer temps and green fields of spring. I see a parallel here in how our ministry at 316NOW yearns for the thawing of icy hearts around the world.

Jesus talked about how the green fields of ripening souls were turning white (not white with snow, though) and ready to be harvested (John 4:35). Our Savior has called his followers – me and you -- to have a role in harvesting those souls.

May the Lord empower each of us to share the comfort and hope of the Lord's "green pastures" with souls around us and around the world.