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Ministry / I’m interested in teaching

Ministry / I’m interested in teaching

“ I am interested in the class you mentioned.”

Good news from a faculty member

316NOW’s Education Division is rejoicing. After a break of more than two years, a longtime faculty member of our Bible institute is ready to move back into one of our online classrooms.

This pastor’s work-demands had sidelined him. Now those responsibilities have eased.

“Things are changing around here such that I can see myself helping as a teacher again,” he says. He is ready to share God’s truths with Chinese Christians, although he admits there will be a learning curve. “It will be … as if I were starting over, however, in certain ways.”  

Faculty members’ commitment

Each of 316NOW’s faculty members is a Confessional Lutheran pastor. Some have taught for us for almost two decades. Classes often begin at 5:00 or 6:00 a.m. in the United States. In China, the start time is 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. In addition to the 90-minute classes, faculty members spend hours preparing for the classes.

Our teachers understand that their ministry is not just to share content. Their role is to shape church leaders who will share Jesus with many more. Their role is to shepherd their students like the Good Shepherd, living out his grace in their lives.

Our teachers are unpaid volunteers. They serve out of appreciation for God’s grace.

Rejoicing over our faculty members

316NOW is blessed by these exceptionally dedicated and gifted men. We always rejoice to hear them say, “ I am interested in the class you mentioned.”

Please hold them in your prayers.