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Ministry / Liaison travels

Ministry / Liaison travels

Barnabas, 316NOW’s liaison to our students in China, is traveling this week. He is visiting three Chinese cities. A journey over over 1600 miles.

Strengthening Christians

On his journey, he will meet with Christians who attend our online Bible institute and with Christians who are interested in learning more about our ministry. While he is with our students, he will conduct several baptisms, provide worship services, and offer the Lord’s Supper to those in our fellowship.

Strengthening leaders

He will also mentor and encourage the leaders of our groups in those cities. Shepherding God’s people is challenging anywhere. In places where the gospel is mostly unknown and where there are large distances between congregations shepherding is much harder. Barnabas will offer those leaders a Christian brother’s support, the assurances of prayer, and the promises attached to Jesus’ resurrection.

Strengthened prayer

Please keep Barnabas, the leaders he meets with, and their congregations in your prayers this week. Pray especially that through them the message of the empty tomb reaches more souls.