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Devotion / Baptized in Jesus' Name

Devotion / Baptized in Jesus' Name

Genealogy Challenge

Digging into your genealogy can be tricky. You do find some amazing, heart-warming stories. Or you can discover disturbing incidents you wish you had never heard about. It reinforces the Bible's truth that temptation and sin are the human condition. 

My heart was touched when I discovered my grandparents' baptism certificates. Printed in the early 1900s, these beautiful color certificates are works of art meant to be framed and displayed. I was doubly blessed to be able to visit the church and see the baptismal font where my grandpa was brought into God's kingdom. (It may have been the same font where my great-grandmother and my mom were also baptized—still researching!) 

Baptismal Font

The font was sculpted of solid gray stone. Inscribed in German was the passage: "Let the little children come to me for of such is the kingdom of God." I lifted the cover—it weighed 30 pounds or more. This font had been used for thousands of baptisms. Inside was a small basin and a large sea shell.  

It was goosebumps as I stared at this simple example of God's amazing grace. Here was the place and means that our loving Lord had worked faith in my grandfather's heart—faith that was part of his life until he passed into eternity. I rejoiced in knowing that we can have confidence we will be reunited in glory with those who have walked with Jesus to their heavenly home. 

Blessings of Baptism

My mind went back to my "Catechism days" where we studied the blessings and confidence our baptism gives us. It is not simple water only, but water used by God's command for his purposes. I thought of Peter's words in Acts 2:38, “Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit." Paul's words in Galatians 3:27 give similar assurance, "For all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ." 

Yes, God is faithful. He blesses his people from generation to generation. What a blessing to glimpse that!

This is the exciting ministry that 316NOW conducts. We seek to bring God's Word of salvation to generations of Chinese who have been denied the opportunity to hear the gospel freely proclaimed.

 Prayer:  Father, through your Word and baptism you bring faith to your people. Bless all efforts to share your good news!


By David Payne