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MINISTRY / The amazing commitment of 316NOW team of leaders

MINISTRY / The amazing commitment of 316NOW team of leaders

15 Days of Prayer for China began on Saturday, February 10. Our ministry blog during the Chinese Spring Festival will highlight matters we ask you to keep in your prayers. This blog post comes from Mark Wagner, our new Executive Director. Mark was called to this role in September.

For more information about 15 Days of Prayer tap here.


China's 1.4 billion people have made at least a billion New Year's resolutions since February 10. But, like the New Years resolutions Americans make, many of those resolutions have already been broken.

I have not seen resolution breaking happen among 316NOW staff, however. The commitment of our staff volunteers is remarkable. We set our ministry plan for this fiscal year six months ago. The team at 316NOW remains dedicated to carry it out.

A rock-solid commitment

Here's an example. Our Director of Mission Advancement retired almost a decade ago, but his zeal for sharing Jesus with others hasn't slowed.

His chief responsibility is to inform people like you Christians in North America about our ministry. Once informed, he encourages them to become part of our ministry through their prayers, their participation, and their offerings.

He is in charge of communicating with our thousands of friends. Week after week, he manages the emails and letters we send. He talks with our friends by phone, online, and in person. He thanks donors, and keeps track of our contact list. He is responsible for developing our Mission Advancement annual plan and overseeing it meets our goals. He does it all with a smile because he is motivated by the one whom he serves. He does it all, like every one of our administrators, without a penny in salary.

A durable determination 

Our Director of Mission Advancement is one of scores of volunteers whose commitment and dedication enable 316NOW to proclaim grace to the Chinese people. Please thank God for everyone involved in our ministry.

Thank you for your petitions during 15 Days of Prayer and beyond.